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Friday, May 30, 2014

Did Dinosaurs and Humans Coexist?

A hot topic among creationist and evolutionist is the question about whether dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time. The creationist will tell you that dinosaurs did coexist with humans and the evolutionist say that the dinosaurs lived millions of years ago and became extinct before humans came around.

So what's the real answer? What evidence does either side have for what they believe?

The Creationist Viewpoint

There are examples of dinosaurs and humans living together depicted in cave drawings, tapestries, textiles, figurines, carvings, bas reliefs, and many oral and written eyewitness accounts. There is also fossil evidence as seen at right that show dinosaur foot track over laping with human tracks.

Also, using biblical references to the "behemoth" in Job 40, refer to this creature as very strong with a large tail and bones of brass.

With the recent discovery of blood cells in dinosaur bones has made the young earth creationist even more certain that not only do we live on a young earth, but that man also dwelt with the dinosaurs. Young earth creationists insist that this soft tissue could not have possible sustained for millions of years.

The Evolutionist Viewpoint

Evolutionists believe that dinosaurs evolved around 235 million years ago, long before humans were around. They place their evidence in the fossil record which was laid down over millions of years. These creatures dominated the earth and there were no humans present. Around 65 millions years ago a catastrophic event killed all the dinosaurs, making them extinct. The catastrophic event is unknown, with many theories in and of itself. Some evolutionist believe that an asteroid hit earth and killed them. Other theories include global volcanic activity, food competition, or continental drift. There is no smoking gun to prove these theories.

What is Your Viewpoint?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Pat Robertson: Off the Deep End on Young Earth Creationism

"There's no way that all this that you have here took place in 6,000 years. It just couldn't have been done, couldn't possibly have been done." - Pat Robertson

And this man is a representative of Christianity? It isn't impossible for all this that we have here to happen in 6000 years, he claims. So he cannot claim that Jesus is the Son of God, born of a virgin. Nor that He died and rose from the dead on the 3rd day. These things are impossible... to Pat Robertson at least.

Whether you're a Christian or not, you must beware of following someone who uses there own opinions and contradicts himself.

As far as validity to his statements, the evolution community threw a fit about Bill Nye debating a Creationist because he isn't an authority on the matter. (Bill Nye is an engineer.) I am sure that the evolution community will quickly applaud Pat Robertson on his claims even though he is not an authority on the matter either. Oh the joy of taking a Christian away from his Bible and converting him to a non provable theory, says the evolutionist.

The awesome thing about God's Word is that you can take observable science and line it up with what is written and it will not contradict. With the evolution theory, once you figure out what theory you want to adhere to, you then have to put your faith in un-observable science (if you can call it that) to make it so that it doesn't contradict itself.

So, which camp are you in: atheistic evolution, theistic evolution, or young earth creationism?

Friday, May 9, 2014

What is Young Earth Creationism?

Simply stated, young earth creationism is the belief that the universe and all therein was created by God during a short period of time, between 5,700 and 10,000 years ago.

What do Young Earth Creationists Believe? 

  • The events in Genesis chapter one are interpreted literally.
  • The whole universe was created in six 24-hour days.
  • A worldwide flood occurred between 2,300 and 3,300 years before Jesus.
  • All animals and birds not in Noah's Ark were buried by the catastrophic flood.
  • This global flood is responsible for most rock layers and fossils.
Here is a video that give more in depth information about Young Earth Creationism: