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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Pat Robertson: Off the Deep End on Young Earth Creationism

"There's no way that all this that you have here took place in 6,000 years. It just couldn't have been done, couldn't possibly have been done." - Pat Robertson

And this man is a representative of Christianity? It isn't impossible for all this that we have here to happen in 6000 years, he claims. So he cannot claim that Jesus is the Son of God, born of a virgin. Nor that He died and rose from the dead on the 3rd day. These things are impossible... to Pat Robertson at least.

Whether you're a Christian or not, you must beware of following someone who uses there own opinions and contradicts himself.

As far as validity to his statements, the evolution community threw a fit about Bill Nye debating a Creationist because he isn't an authority on the matter. (Bill Nye is an engineer.) I am sure that the evolution community will quickly applaud Pat Robertson on his claims even though he is not an authority on the matter either. Oh the joy of taking a Christian away from his Bible and converting him to a non provable theory, says the evolutionist.

The awesome thing about God's Word is that you can take observable science and line it up with what is written and it will not contradict. With the evolution theory, once you figure out what theory you want to adhere to, you then have to put your faith in un-observable science (if you can call it that) to make it so that it doesn't contradict itself.

So, which camp are you in: atheistic evolution, theistic evolution, or young earth creationism?

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