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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Bill Nye is Undeniably Against Children, Not For Them

Inspired by the debate with Ken Ham in February 2014, Bill Nye set out to write a book to bring awareness to his belief in evolution, "Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation".

In an interview with New York Times, Mr. Nye says a few surprising things regarding his book that may cause the Creationist corner to wrinkle their brow...

Here is an excerpt from the interview:
You say in the book that your concern is not so much for the deniers of evolution as it is for their children. Do you think the science stakes are higher now than when you started “Bill Nye, The Science Guy” show in 1993?
Yes, because there are more people in the world — another billion people all trying to use the world’s resources. And the threat and consequences of climate change are more serious than ever, so we need as many people engaged in how we’re going to deal with that as possible. And we have an increasingly technologically sophisticated society. We are able to feed these 7.2 billion people because of our extraordinary agricultural technology. If we have a society that’s increasingly dependent on these technologies, with a smaller and smaller fraction of that society who actually understands how any of it works, that is a formula for disaster. So, I’m just trying to change the world here.
This should sound a little concerning. Mr. Nye says he is concerned for the children, yet he blames them for using the world's resources. How does Mr. Nye suggest that we "deal with" climate change? Is he suggesting we eliminate children to bring the population back down? After all, is this not the "survival of the fittest" put in practice? The ones who cannot defend for themselves and make a difference in the world are the first to be eliminated.
Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation
"Children who accept this ludicrous perspective will find themselves opposed to progress. The will become society's burdens rather than it's producers..." - excerpt from page 10 of "Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation" (bold emphasis added).
With this statement, Mr. Nye is damning children who believe in God and Creation. With all this said, it does not sound that Mr. Nye is for children, but advocates eliminating those who do not agree with his worldview.

Another except from Bill Nye's interview with the New York Times:
A lot of the real action between evolution and creationism happens in the classroom, inside the schools. The scientific buffet style of your book — it takes all matters large and small when it comes to the universe and science and evolution and steps you through all of it — do you imagine a child in a creationist-friendly household managing to get his hands on the book and stealing away with it?
A man can dream! It would be great if the book is that influential. My biggest concern about creationist kids is that they’re compelled to suppress their common sense, to suppress their critical thinking skills at a time in human history when we need them more than ever. By the time you’re 18, you’ve made up your mind. It’s going to be really hard for you, as they say in the Mormon tradition, to “lose your testimony.” But if you’re 7 or 8, we got a shot.
Is Mr. Nye suggesting that creationist children are stupid... that they don't have common sense or use "critical thinking skills"? He speaks as if there is no common sense or critical thinking involved in Creationism. On the contrary, there is much scientific evidence to prove the account of the Bible. (A great resource to learn about the evidence for creation is Kent Hovind's Creation Seminar.)

Mr. Nye is correct about the sensitivity of a child's mind at a young age... does he realize that he actually just used a teaching from the Bible?
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
This doesn't mean you should brainwash them! Children should be made aware that there are two beliefs in our origin, the account of the Bible and the evolution theory... and that BOTH take faith to believe in and follow. Mr. Nye's goal is to brainwash the minds of children at a tender age so that when the grow up they will not "lose their testimony" of the "facts" proving evolution. He would not allow for any teaching of creationism in schools, only the advancement of his worldview.

Something is very, very wrong with this... what do you think?

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