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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Evolution is NOT Impossible for God

An article titled "Nothing is Impossible for God, Except Evolution" was published on Patheos today with this statement:
"If your stance is that nothing is impossible with God, then that includes not just creation in an instant and creation in six days and intelligently designing malaria, but also evolution.
If evolution seems impossible to you, then maybe you need to enlarge your vision of what God is capable of."
We have to give it to the author... they make a good point! Sometimes as Christians we don't fully take in the power and authority that our Creator holds. We put fleshly limits on him that are based on our own understanding. Then we blame things like malaria and bad things that happen in the world on Him without considering that He created a perfect and complete world which we defiled with sin, causing death and sickness. We shouldn't be surprised when the atheists and evolutionist say things like this... we give them the ammo.
"For with God NOTHING shall be impossible." Luke 1:37
So yes, it is possible that God could have used evolution as a means of creating the entire universe. If He had wanted to create the world that way He could have and would have. However, as young earth creationists, we are saying God DIDN'T use evolution in creation. He could have, but He didn't. The biblical account of creation lines up with scientific evidence.

Credit: Answers in Genesis
It is interesting that the aforementioned article combines young earth creationists with "other anti-science folks". Young earth creationists are not anti-science. In fact, science proves that the earth is young. The fact of the matter is, we all have the same evidence, the same fossils, the same science, but we have different worldviews. Christians and atheists argue about evidence but really they are arguing about their interpretation of the evidence.

It takes faith to believe both, creation or evolution. Evolutionists don't like hearing that, but actually none of us were there.... I guess the Creationists have an advantage - they know the One who was there!

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