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Friday, June 6, 2014

Creationist Worldview of Human Origins Under Seige

A recent poll by Gallup shows that the creation debate is losing the battle over the human origins. Over 40% or Americans believe that God created humans as we are today, approximately 10,000 years ago. 19% of all Americans believe that God directed evolution, having one foot of each side of the evolution vs. creation debate. The percentage of Americans who say God was not involved in human origins is steadily increasing.

While the creationist view of human origins is still the largest percentage at 42%, the percentage of people who believe God had no involvement in creation has increased 4% since the question was asked in 2012, and 10% since first asked in 1982.

It is also interesting to note that the lowest percentage of people who believe that God created humans in their present form are college graduates and between the ages of 18 and 29. This tells us that our education system is doing a good job of teaching young people only evolutionary theories, having a greater influance then parents or religious education. Creationism in schools is a heated debate that is ongoing. Here is what one person on our facebook page recently had to say about creation in schools:
"But atheism is pretty much the law around here...teach kids evolution in school as if its the only way earth mightve been created, no praying or bibles in schools or youll get suspended. Most kids grow up not knowing what the bible says because we learned something completely different in school.." - Tiana F.

So what is your opinion on human origins? Take our poll here!

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